
Personal Development

At Discovery Multi-Academy Trust, our curriculum, vision and values fully support the personal development of every pupil.  We acknowledge that the primary years are a fundamental time for children to develop their own identify and aspirations for the future.  Therefore, we strive to ensure opportunities are provided for pupils through the taught and wider curriculum for both academic and personal development.  We understand the crucial role we play in preparing our pupils for their adult lives.


Our pupils are supported, nurtured and encouraged to develop attributes such as resilience, confidence and independence as well as an understanding of British Values in order to prepare children to be global citizens now and in their future roles within the community.     

Our personal development curriculum provides significant opportunities for pupils to develop their intrinsic motivation and to engage in the following key areas:

  • Trust Values (Inclusive, Excelling, Democratic, Collaborative)
  • British Values
  • PSHE
  • SMSC
  • Well-Being
  • Wider Curriculum
Please see our Personal Development Statement below.