
School Champions

The School Champion's consists of 28 members. These members have been nominated by their peers for this role and are elected at the start of every new school year. Members of the School Champion group wear a yellow patch so that they can be recognised by others and are good role models within the school community.

The School Champion representatives meet twice every new term. These members are a ‘voice’ for their classmates to have their say in how they want their school to be run. In the past pupils have made decisions about which charities they wish to support during the year, what playground equipment they would like to purchase and new staff appointment.
Each class has the opportunity to debate whole school issues or concerns and raise these queries with their School Champion representative who then bring the ideas or queries to the meeting. All answers are reported back to the School Champions and to each class by their representatives. School Champion representatives are encouraged to have a good understanding of the importance of a democratic and fair decision making process, where all pupils within the school feel valued and equal.