

The Local Advisory Board (LAB)


 Role of the LAB


The role of a LAB is an important one. It is to provide focused governance for the Trust’s academies at a local level. The LAB monitors the academies’ key performance indicators and acts as a critical friend to the Heads of School and each academy’s senior leadership team, providing challenge where appropriate. The LABs carry out their functions on behalf of the Trust Board and in accordance with policies determined by the Trust Board. The act of delegation from the Trust Board to the LABs is a delegation of powers and duties and not a delegation or shedding of responsibilities. Each LAB member has a designated area of responsibility for the academic year. Some of these areas include Safeguarding, Maths, Attendance, Behaviour, Parents, Pupil Premium and Early Years. The work of the LAB will involve working closely with the Trust’s staff, making regular visits to the academies, and reporting to the Board of Trustees on a regular basis.


Who are our LAB?


Although our LAB members are not representative of any particular group, we have indicated below where they have a direct link with the trust. LAB membership is currently as follows:


CHAIR: Clare Shaw (Community)

Carol Lant - LAB member (Community)

Lynne Wyness - LAB Member (Community)

Sarah Catlow - LAB Member (Parent)